
Thursday, July 26, 2012

BBQ Seitan and Crispy Coleslaw Sandwich

We were looking for a quick and easy recipe to make on a Sunday night and I found the BBQ Seitan and Crispy Coleslaw Sandwich recipe in Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook. It was simple and easy, but I did modify it a little.

BBQ Seitan and Crispy Coleslaw Sandwich
Serves 4-6

Ingredients for the slaw dressing
  • 1/4 cup vegan mayonnaise
  • 2 T plain soy milk (optional)
  • 1 T lemon juice
  • Pinch of white pepper
  • Pinch of mustard powder
Ingredients for the slaw
  • 3 cups finely shredded purple or white cabbage
  • 1 carrot, peeled and finely shredded
  • Pinch of dried dill
Other ingredients
  • 1 pound of seitan
  • Red onion, sliced (optional)
  • 1.5-2 cups barbeque sauce
  • Peanut oil for grilling
  • 4 hearty sandwich rolls
  • Vegan mayonnaise
First, prepare the slaw. Whisk together the slaw dressing ingredients in a large bowl. Tip: I found that the soy milk was unnecessary and actually made the dressing taste weird. Add the shredded cabbage, carrot, and dill. Toss to combine with dressing, cover tightly with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until ready to use.

Pour the BBQ sauce into a glass rectangular dish and keep it near the stove. Heat a cast-iron grill pan over medium heat and brush generously with peanut oil. I used my silicone pastry brush to do this. Place a layer of sliced seitan on the grill, brush with more peanut oil, and grill on each side for about 3 minutes until browned and sizzling. Use metal tongs or a fork to turn the seitan. Grill in two batches.

When cooked, toss the seitan in the BBQ sauce.  Brush the grill with a little extra peanut oil and grill the sauce-covered seitan in two batches, turning strips once. We also added red onion to this. The strips should be slightly browned and some of the edges just beginning to crisp when it's ready to remove from the pan. Place the seitan back in the glass dish. Grill the bread, if desired.

To assemble: spread mayonnaise on the rolls, pile the seitan on the bottom half of the rolls and the coleslaw on top and press down on the top of the rolls.

I thought the seitan had a great tangy taste to it that went well with the coleslaw.  Simple and easy!


  1. This was delicious! I cooked the onion with the seitan & thinly sliced the seitan in the food processor & then just added the BBQ sauce to the pan. Super yummy, thank you!

  2. Awesome! I'm glad you liked it! It is such a great easy dish!
