
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kikkoman Kara-Áge Seasoned Gardein with Ponzu Sauce

As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program, I was given the opportunity to use Kikkoman's Kara-Age Soy-Ginger Seasoned Coating Mix in a recipe. I was delightfully surprised to have been chosen for this as the instructions were that Tastemaker's should use it in a chicken dish. Now, I have the opportunity to do it vegan chicken style -- and what better vegan chicken to use than Gardein!

Kara-Age is Japan's popular fried chicken dish -- a standard appetizer, which can also serve as the main course for lunch or dinner.  The Kikkoman mix is the coating for the [vegan] chicken.

Kara-Age Seasoned Gardein
Serves 4-8
  • 1-2 packages of mostly defrosted Gardein Chick'n Scallopini (a delicious soy- and wheat-based chicken substitute)
  • 1 box Kikkoman Kara-Age Coating Mix
  • Canola oil
Vegan Ponzu Sauce (from The Tofu Princess) (usually made with dried, fermented tuna so I made my own)
  • 1/3 cup soy sauce
  • 1T rice vinegar
  • 2T lemon juice
  • 1T chopped green onion
Sauteed Greens

  • 1 bunch swiss chard
  • Garlic powder (to taste)
  • Ginger powder (to taste)
  • Salt
  • Olive oil

Put enough canola oil in a fry or saute pan so that it is about 1/4 high in the pan and heat on medium heat.  While the pan is heating, put the Kara-Age seasoning in a plastic bag, then place a chick'n scallopini in the bag and shake it until it is coated. Repeat for the rest of the the chick'n scallopinis. Once warm enough, place them in the pan and fry for 2-4 minutes on each side.

Heat olive oil at medium heat in another frying pan. Chop 1 bunch of swiss chard into strips. Once the pan is hot enough, place the swiss chard in the pan along with garlic powder, salt, and ginger powder to taste. Let it cook until wilted, tossing frequently.

For the sauce, combine all ingredients and stir them to mix.

To serve, place the sauteed greens on the plate first, top with a Gardein chick'n scallopini and put a small bowl of vegan ponzu sauce on the side for dippping. Voila - Kara-Age vegan style!

Disclosure: As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program, I received Kikkoman Kara-Age Seasoning Mix.

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