
Monday, September 19, 2011

Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market, San Francisco

As a part of my cooking class with Eric Tucker of the Millennium, the premier vegan upscale restaurant in San Francisco, I got to take a tour of the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market with him and my class. This farmer's market was a mix of restaurants serving prepared foods, farmers with fresh produce, manufacturers with food products, and artists selling their work.  It was pretty large and very crowded!

We were there on a Saturday morning at 10 a.m. The market is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but from what I hear, and as you would expect, it is most crowded on Saturdays.  There were so many wonderful vendors, I couldn't possibly cover all of them, so I'll just mention a select few.

Zach and I started by walking through the artists section before we met up with our class. There were some great artists there showcasing jewelry, paintings, photography and more. I came across this photographer named, "Sheile Taylor," or at least I think that is how her name is spelled. She had these wonderful pictures of parakeets. I asked where she had taken them and she told me they live in downtown SF!  Who would've thought that?!  They live in the city and they are so beautiful. She sold pictures and cards. I bought three cards for just $10 knowing that I'll never send them to anyone. They are getting framed and going up in my office!

Next, we met up with Eric and the group to get the official tour. We first visited many of the farmers who sold produce. Wow - what an amazing selection. There were so many fresh vegetables and even some unusual things such as geranium rose and lemon verbena leaves.

We went to a mushroom shop inside the Ferry Plaza, which had the best selection of mushrooms I had ever seen. I was so jealous! Bring this to DC!  Anyway, we chose to purchase some abalone and enoki mushrooms, but they also sold fresh truffles, chanterelle, lions mane, lobster, and blue foot! The truffles were $28 per ounce! Wow.

We also stopped by the Hodo Soy booth, which is perhaps the best tofu I have ever had. They sold many marinated tofus, yuba, and more. Unfortunately, they do not ship their products so you can only find them in local grocery stores or farmer's markets in and around San Francisco. Bummer.

We also stopped by a vendor who sold many different kinds of dips -- most of them were vegan. One in particular was an eggplant-based dip that was amazing. We picked one up to take home.

Then, we came across this amazing cold-pressed olive oil vendor called, "Nick Sciabica & Sons." They make these amazing olive oils in many flavors. I picked up a 4-pack of garlic, habanero pepper, rosemary, and basil oils. Yum!

Lastly, we stopped by Pepple's, the amazing vegan donut stand. This stand deserved its own story, which you can read here.

Other stuff we saw on the way out were sprouted veggie burgers along with fresh raw vegan food from Alive!

I only wish we had had time to stay longer!  This is one great farmer's market. Be sure to check it out the next time you go to San Francisco. I know I'll be back!

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