
Friday, September 30, 2011

Brad's Raw Chips

In my Whole Foods on P Street in Washington, DC, our raw chip selection is pretty limited. Recently, they started lining several shelves with Brad's Raw Foods Chips so I thought I'd give them a shot.  They come in many different and unusual flavors such as red bell pepper, sun-dried tomato, kale, beet, sweet potato, Indian, and "cheddar." Some of the flavors are available as either hot or not, which I love because I love hot, spicy food!

These chips are pretty thin and very flavorful! I tried the hot red bell pepper to start. This thin, yet crispy and crunchy chip packed a punch! The ingredients are all good-for-you stuff such as carrots, red bell peppers, flax seeds, sprouted buckwheat grouts, jalapeno peppers, scallions, olive oil, garlic, and sea salt as well as "lots of love." Cute. There are 3 servings per bag with 120 calories and 5 grams of fat per serving. Not too bad.

The story of Brad is printed on each bag -- he was the typical American guy -- overweight with high cholesterol and low energy. Then, he went on a predominantly raw food diet and lost 40 pounds, dropped his cholesterol to a healthy level, and recovered his lost energy. He then decided to make his own raw chips and that is how Brad's Raw Foods was born.

These chips are dehydrated below 115-degrees to retain the healthy, active enzymes and nutrients which aid digestion. They are all gluten-free, vegan, and contain no preservatives, binders, or chemicals.

The next chip I tried was the Indian flavor and I think I liked this one the best!  It was super spicy and I could have sworn I tasted cardamom yet it wasn't listed on the bag. But, either way, they were so darned good!

Lastly, I tried the hot kale chips, not to be confused with their leafy kale chips. These are kale flavored chips like the others. I liked these as well. They definitely tasted the healthiest and were delicious when eaten with hummus.

All of these chips are loaded with omega-3s, live enzymes, lean protein, complex carbs, vital minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. If you come across these in  a Whole Foods or anywhere else, I highly recommend that you try them. At $7.50 per 3-ounce bag, they are in line with other raw chips.  You can order some directly from Brad's by clicking here and you too can experience the "World's Healthiest Chip."


  1. I love, love, LOVE Brad's Raw Chips!!!!
    When I became a raw foodist, I soon discovered that I was craving 'munchies'. Something fast and easy, that I didn't have to prepare.
    And not just carrot or celery sticks! Brad's Raw Chips are just the thing!!
    Great blog, by the way!! In the words of The Terminator... "I'll be back" .

  2. Thanks for writing! I love people's faces when I tell them I've been eating raw a lot lately -- they look at me like I'm eating carrot sticks and though I do enjoy a good carrot stick, that is not all I'm eating!! Ha!

  3. are they fairtrade?
